Applications are invited to apply for the Belgium Government ARES Scholarship 2025/2026 in Belgium. International Students from developing countries are eligible to apply for Belgium Government Scholarships 2025. The scholarships are available to study Masters Degree Program or Training Courses. Fully Funded Scholarships are offered by Belgium Government to Study Free from abroad. There is No Application Fee to apply for the award. This scholarship is available for academic session of 2025/2026.
A Diverse Range of Major & Fields is available for the Master Degree Program. The Duration of the Scholarship for Bachelors or Master Degree program is for 1 Year & 2 to 6 Months for Practical Training Development. Please Keep on Reading Further Details below. All International Students with Any Nationality are Eligible to Apply for the Belgium Scholarships. Each Year Belgium Government awards 220 Scholarships to international students. The aim of the Belgium Government Scholarship is to develop your skills.
Scholarship in Belgium for Bachelors or Masters and Training Courses Offer You the Chance to Pursue a One-Year Specialized Master’s Degree Program or a 2-to-6-Month Advanced Training Course within a Higher Education Institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium.
About Belgium Government ARES Scholarship 2025/2026
- Offered by: Belgium Government
- Degree Level: Bachelors, Master & Training Course
- Scholarship Coverage: Fully Funded
- Eligible Nationality: International
- Award Country: Belgium
Financial Benefits:
Belgium Government ARES Scholarship 2025/2026 for International Students is a Full Free scholarship which will cover all the expense to study postgraduate degree program.
Detail is given below:
- Bachelors or Master’s Degree: Round International Airfare Tickets will be Provided.
- Living Allowance: 1150 €/month for a Duration of 12 months.
- Indirect Mission fees: 150 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.
- Arrival allowance, Tuition Fee and return fees: 700 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.
- Registration Fees
- Insurance fees
- Travel costs that are part of inter-university training
- Training Courses: Round International Airfare Tickets will be provided.
- Living Allowance 83 €/day for stays lasting 8 to 17 days
- 1400 €/month for stays lasting 18 days to 1 month (set amount)
- 1400 €/month for stays lasting 1 to 6 months, prorated to the number of days
- Indirect Mission fees: 150 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.
- Insurance Fees
- Travel expenses in the framework of inter-university training.
List of Available Study Fields:
Candidates can apply in one of the giving below study area:
- Bachelier de spécialisation en Business Data Analysis
- Bachelier de spécialisation en pédiatrie et néonatologie
- Master de spécialisation en droits humains
- Master de spécialisation en gestion des risques et des catastrophes à l’ère de l’anthropocène
- Master de spécialisation en gestion intégrée des risques sanitaires
- Specialized Master in International and Development Economics
- Specialized Master in Microfinance
- Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology
- Master de spécialisation en sciences de la santé publique – analyse et évaluation des politiques programmes et systèmes de santé internationale
- Master de spécialisation en transport et logistique
- Master de spécialisation – Design d’innovation sociale
- Master de spécialisation en Nexus Eau-Énergie-Alimentation
- Formation continue en science des données pour la santé mondiale
- Formation continue en pédagogie universitaire numérique
- Certificat interuniversitaire et interdisciplinaire en justices transitionnelles
- Formation continue – Comprendre et gérer les dimensions humaines des projets de changement en développement durable
- Formations continues en assurance qualité et contrôle en qualité des médicaments et produits de santé
- Formation continue en système d’information géographique libre
List of Eligible Countries:
Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Guinea (Conakry), Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible to apply for the Belgium Government ARES Scholarship, applicants need to fulfill the following criteria:
- Be Under the age of 40 for Degree programs, and Under 45 for Training Courses, at the time the training is scheduled to begin.
- Be a Citizen of One of the country listed above.
- The Duration is One Academic Year
- Should Have Related Academic Background to apply for a relevant field.
- Passive knowledge of English (reading) is required.
How to Apply
The Application Form is Totally Free. ARES does not charge fees. You Can Apply Online for Belgium Government ARES Scholarship 2025/2026 for International Students.
The Application Form & Other Documents Must be submitted in Online Application Portal.
Check links below for application procedure: