Eko Hotel & Suites 2022 Eco Friendly Recyclable Art Contest
Eko Hotel & Suites Eco Friendly Recyclable Art Contest 2022 [Public and Private Schools]: Eko Hotel & Suites Calls for Entries / Nominations from Students of Public & Private Schools in Lagos State for its 2022 Eco Friendly Recyclable Art Contest. Deadline: 27th March, 2022, See Eligibility, Benefits, Prizes, Application Guidelines and Procedures.

This year’s competition promotes recycling and reuse of materials emphasizing creativity and innovation, in line with Eko Hotel & Suites goals to build and eco-friend eco-system.

The Recycling Art Contest is an opportunity for children to learn more about recycling, responsible use of recycling, responsible use of  resource and sustainable living through creative exploration.

Awards / Prizes.

  • First place winner receives N250,000 prize and personal laptop computer
  • Second place winner receives N150,000 prizes and a personal laptop computer
  • Third place winner receives N100,000 prizes and a personal laptop computer
  • Of the selected participant schools, 10 will be shortlisted to partake in the grand finale. Shortlisted to partake in the grand finale.
  • Shortlisted artists and their guardians will be treated to a 3 days all expense paid, activity fill at the Eko Hotel and Suites leading  up to contest date which falls on April 22nd (Earth Day).

Entering Details.

  • Art Form: Crafting / Sculpting
  • Subject: Sea Life
  • Entry size: 1ft x 1ft
  • Material: Participants may use any recyclable and reusablemarials e.g plastics / glass / paper / fabrics / wood / tweed / twin etc.
  • Entry must be orignal work of the contestant
  • 1 entry per participant / 5 entries per school
  • Entry must be accompanied by entry form signed by art teacher
  • This contest is open to all public & private schools in Lagos State

Terms and Conditions.

Interested and qualified candidates should download and fill the Entry Form below and submit along with their Artwork to the address below:

Eko Hotels & Suites,
Plot 1415 Adetokunbo Ademola Street,
P.M.B 12724, Victoria Island,
Lagos, Nigeria.


27th March, 2022.