Entries are hereby invited for The Literary Criticism Prize. The yearly prize is endowed by Nigeria LNG (NLNG) Limited to honour the author of the best work. To encourage literary criticism, the Advisory Board of The Nigeria Prize for Literature will reward one critic with the sum of USD 10,000.
RECOMMENDED: NLNG Prize for Science [$100,000 for Grab] | Call for Entries.
Since the aim is to promote Nigerian Literature in the world, the prize will be open to literary critics from all over the world.
Special considerations shall be given to critical essays on new writings in Nigerian Literature. Contestants shall send in three critical essays published in major scholarly journals. Such journals shall have a proven track record of dedication to excellence and must have international circulation.
No critical essay previously submitted for this competition may be considered at a later date, even if maior revisions of it have been made.
Mere manuscripts will not be considered. Entries not submitted by the deadline and according to stated conditions shall not be considered.
Only entries published in the year of the competition or within three years before then shall be considered.
No member of the Advisory Board or Panel of Judges can enter their essay(s) for the literary criticism award in the year they are serving.
All applicants must submit their entries accompanied by an application form obtainable online from the NLNG website.
Completed forms must be printed and submitted along with the entries.
Failure to meet the stated conditions will lead to disqualification of the entry.
The prize will be awarded for no other reason than excellence.
The winner will be announced and presented in October, 2023.PANEL OF JUDGES
- Professor Ameh Dennis Akoh (Chairman
- Dr. Rasheeday Liman (Member)
- Prof. Osita Catherine Ezenwanebe (Member)
- Professor Akachi Adimora – Ezeigbo, FNAL, FLSN (Chairman)
- Professor Olu Obafemi, FNAL NNOM (Member)
- Professor Ahmed Yerima, FNAL FSONTA (Member)
Entries should be sent to:
The Nigeria Prize for Literary Criticism
External Relations Division
Nigeria LNG Limited
Corporate Head Office,
NLNG Road, Amadi Creek,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
The Nigeria Prize for Literature External Relations Division,
Nigeria LNG Limited, 4th Floor, Heron House,
10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1 H ODX.
Email: [email protected]
For further information, visit Nigeria LNG Limited’s website: www.thenigeriaprizes.org.
31st March, 2023.