Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program 2022/2023
2022 Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program [Early or Mid-Career Scholars]: Jacobs Foundation Calls for Applications from Early or Mid-career Scholars of all Nationalities for its 2022 Fellowship Program. Deadline: 16th March, 2022. See Eligibility, Selection Criteria, Funding, Application Guidelines and Procedures.

The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers aiming at improving the development and living conditions of children and youth or contributing to one of the Jacobs Foundation’s thematic priorities. This includes, but is not limited to educational sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family studies, media studies, political sciences, linguistics, neurosciences, and medical sciences.

Fellowships are awarded to the most highly talented and innovative young scholars and mid-career researchers. Funds from Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships are awarded directly to the fellow’s institution and may be used over a three-year period by the fellow to partially cover the fellow’s salary and for any activity supporting the fellow’s research, such as assistant salaries, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.


  • Open to researchers from any country.
  • Applicants must have completed their PhD at the time of application.
  • At the start of the fellowship candidates must be employed at a university or other research institution, but they do not need to have a permanent contract or a full-time position. The fellowship funds must be administered by the relevant university or research institution.

Selection Criteria.

The selection criteria are weighted equally.
  • Past research accomplishments and publication record
  • Creativity and potential to become a leader in the scientific community
  • Scientific quality: methods and data
  • International relevance of the fellow’s planned work
  • Potential for application in supporting human development and learning
  • Alignment of planned projects with the goals of the Jacobs Foundation
  • Willingness to identify with the Foundation’s aims and to engage with us


  • Funds from Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships are awarded directly to the fellow’s institution and may be used over a three-year period by the fellow to partially cover the fellow’s salary and for any activity supporting the fellow’s research, such as assistant salaries, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.

How to Apply.

The following documents are to be uploaded in connection with the application form:
  • The candidate’s curriculum vitae, including a list of the candidate’s scientific publications
  • A scientific paper by the candidate
To following is to be sent separately to the Jacobs Foundation:
  • A 1-page recommendation letter from a department head or other senior researcher supporting the candidate and describing his/her qualifications, initiative, and research. This letter should be sent directly to [email protected].


The deadline for applications is March 16, 2022.